Planting bed solutions

Summer bed, perennial flowers, prayer place

Bed on old wall

Summer planting bed

Summer planting bed looks very decorative if there bright and muted flower colors are combined with a variety of green colourings. Very easy-care planting bed consists mainly of shrub perennials, which are not only faithfully year after year blossoming, but also prevent weed growth.

Perennial flower corner

Perennial flower corner is the beginning of summer planting bed. In order to design a really attractive planting, I use plants with different color, size and shape of flowers and leaves. For example, there are shown iris in the picture (fragrant, soft violet with a yellow beard, leafes are xiphoid), daffodils, forget-me-nots, purple scabious (ball-shaped blossoms), ordinary bay cherry-tree (poisonous) etc. All the plants, shown in this picture, need rich of mould and penetrable soil and partially shaded place.

Easy-care yard

I offer sketches for individually highlighted corners of the garden.


Front garden is constructed so that the whole year to enjoy the greens, which do not require too much work. It includes variety of coniferous tree groups, proper to acid soil. Such plants generally come from wooded areas. There Western thuja, outdoor birch, panicled hydrangea, rhododendron etc. fit in. In case of careful planning and targeted plant choice, this planting bed will delight you all year round. In autumn between the trees I set blooming flower bulbs, wild tulips, grape hyacinths etc.